Recently he had been caring for his mom who had been battling breast cancer, in his North Hollywood home. She was with him at the time of his death. The coroner has yet to rule on the death, but his mom and long time friend and co-star Corey Feldman don’t want overdose conclusions to be made just yet."> Recently he had been caring for his mom who had been battling breast cancer, in his North Hollywood home. She was with him at the time of his death. The coroner has yet to rule on the death, but his mom and long time friend and co-star Corey Feldman don’t want overdose conclusions to be made just yet.">
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Corey Haim found dead, possible overdose


Known best for his role in The Lost Boys, he also starred in Dream a Little Dream and License to Drive.

His recent A&E's ‘The Two Coreys’ documented his troubled past with addiction. He had even described himself as a 'chronic relapser' on Larry King.

Trying to wash himself of the bad boy image, in 2008 he took at a full page Variety to say "I'm Back" and that he was ready to work again. But with a failed reunion on the sequel to "The Lost Boys" and a cancellation in the second season of his 'Two Coreys' show, it looked as if his comeback was met with disaster.

Recently he had been caring for his mom who had been battling breast cancer, in his North Hollywood home. She was with him at the time of his death. The coroner has yet to rule on the death, but his mom and long time friend and co-star Corey Feldman don’t want overdose conclusions to be made just yet.

02-12-25 09:02:32
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